The truth is Chihuahuas come in all shapes and sizes, long and short hair, many different colors too; our second Chihuahua is that Chihuahua you see in the commercials and movies on TV. You know short hair large ears; I think you know what I’m talking about. One summer night maybe 1 1/2 years ago it was a typical evening for us, me watching my favorite TV show, my husband watching his in our spare bedroom laying down , I guess you might call it his nap before actually going to bed for the night, maybe you can relate?
My daughter burst into the room explaining to my husband that there was a dog barking in the back yard. Let me explain our back yard is fenced in with the wooden stockade type fencing. We own a couple other dogs so when she told my husband half asleep about the barking dog his thought was ok one of our dogs is barking, she insisted it wasn't. So finally my husband and daughter with mag-lite in hand started searching for the bark. They looked all around the fence outside of the fence nothing, then the last place they expected inside the fence sure enough it was a Chihuahua barking away complete with a collar and leash. Someone decided to lift the dog over our fence. Within a day or two we named her Sally she adopted us as her new family.
Maybe your place is small and can’t accommodate a large dog, you live alone, whatever your reason may be a Chihuahua is a great companion you and your family will love as your pet. If you want the facts about caring for Chihuahuas I would like to recommend an excellent and inexpensive book which will answer all the questions you might have.
For More Information On Chihuahua's Click Here