Persian cats are a popular breed of cats. They are known for their easy going personalities, long fur, and their beautiful features. They make great pets for anyone, and they are not bossy. Many breeds need a lot of attention but not Persians, they need very little.
White is a common color , they come in many more colors too. When in a competition they are split up into seven sections. Tabby, smoke and solid, silver and gold, Bicolor, particular, and the Himalayan. Whatever color they are they are known for their long soft coats. In order to keep their coat clean and soft, and also to reduce the risk of sickness they should be kept indoors. This will also keep them away from cars and dogs.
They should be combed every day with some sort of metal comb. They can get their coat tangled, and that can cause hairballs. They should also get bathes often too for their coat to stay clean. If the cat is bathed from a young age they will become more accustomed to it. Persians can not maintain their coat on their own as some breeds may do. Their fur is so long that they need to be combed and bathed to keep it clean.
The Persian gets along with everyone, even children. They use their meowing and look at their owners to communicate. They don’t need a lot of attention but love it and love to be admired.They don’t like to jump or climb a lot like other cats, they just enjoy lying around. Sometimes they just love to show off their beauty. You should also take your Persian to the vet regularly. If taken care of properly including grooming, shots, and vet visits Persians can live up to twenty years.
The Persian gets along with everyone, even children. They use their meowing and look at their owners to communicate. They don’t need a lot of attention but love it and love to be admired.They don’t like to jump or climb a lot like other cats, they just enjoy lying around. Sometimes they just love to show off their beauty. You should also take your Persian to the vet regularly. If taken care of properly including grooming, shots, and vet visits Persians can live up to twenty years.
You should keep a close look at their eyes because they are so big the cat may not be able to clean them. This should be kept up with regularly. Persians are one of the easiest cats to own, as they don’t like to jump or climb . All you need to really do is groom and feed your Persian every day. Grooming may be a lot to do and keep up with but its all worth it to have a beautiful cat.